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Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, May 1, 2013

0=[===>>Itachi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha is the older brother of Sasuke Uchiha. He was of the Uchiha Clan of Konohagakure and eventually became a Konoha missing-nin. He was a member of Akatsuki.

Uchiha Itachi (Former Member - Deceased)
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 139
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 80
Hidden Village: Leaf
Ring: Shu (Scarlet)
Finger Position: Right RingInfo: After murdering everyone in his clan, Uchiha Itachi fled his village and joined Akatsuki. Itachi was partnered with Hoshigaki Kisame. They were assigned to capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Naruto. They attempted to capture Naruto once, but fled when confronted by Jiraiya. Itachi finally faced his brother Sasuke in battle and died. After the battle, Uchiha Madara revealed that Itachi had did everything for Konoha's well being, even sacrificing himself to help keep Sasuke out of Madara's hands. He was later resurrected using Kabuto's Edo Tensei jutsu. Itachi was then freed from control thanks to Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyou which had been implanted into Naruto earlier. Itachi with the help of Sasuke then confronted Kabuto and forced him to end Edo Tensei, freeing both Itachi's and the other resurrected ninja's 

General Information

Birthday: June 9
Blood type: AB
Height: 175.2 cm
Weight: 57.1 kg
Ninja Rank: Jonin (S - Rank)

At the age of 7, Itachi had graduated from the top of his class in nin-academy of Konohagakure. At 8, he mastered his Sharingan eye and, at ten, became a Chunin. He became the leader of his own Anbu squad at 13.

tachi's promise to Sasuke...he could never keep it Because of these accomplishments, the Uchiha Clan (especially his father) believed that he was the future of the prestigious family. This made his father focus most of his attention on Itachi, and not on Itachi's brother, Sasuke, who was mostly neglected. Every time Sasuke would ask Itachi to show him some new type of jutsu or a new ability, or just to help him practice with his kunai throwing skill (in which he was very lacking), he never had time, and always responded to him, promising that he would definitely spend time with him later by poking him in the forehead with his index and middle fingers. Itachi began saying that he would train with Sasuke , but he was forced by his missions to break his promise. This too was another reason that his younger brotherSasuke hated him as they grew up. No, not hated, but rather envied. Their father gave him more attention than a teenager like him really needed.
He paid no attention to Sasuke as he grew and became better, seeing that he was nowhere near as much of a prodigy as Itachi was. And in the end, he never would be. Itachi did, however, attempt to treat him like a human being. He wanted his eyes to grow up strong, he must have thought.
He did, however, make his father spend more time with Sasuke by refusing to do missions unless his father went along.

Itachi as an Anbu
Six months after Itachi became an Anbu squad leader, Itachi began losing ground with the clan. He began to neglect his missions, and was a prime suspect in his best friends death (his best friend had apparently committed suicide, but it was questioned by the clan elders). When a band of investigators confronted him, he easily defeated them, saying that he had lost faith in the clan. He later apologized at his father's bidding. Itachi's father then began spending more time withSasuke, trying to steer him away from Itachi's path. In recent flash backs it is revealed that at first, Itachi had a lot of motivation to play with his younger brother, but his mother often forced him to do his homework or some other chore, as if she were trying to keep him from having any form of fun with his younger brother. But, Itachi would tell her that he could always complete his homework later as the assignment was simple. Sasuke had memories of his brother playing hide and seek with him, and finding him, then just using a shadow doppelganger (Kage Bunshin) technique to confuse him even more. When the day was over, he would simply poke him in the forehead and tell him that he could continue this "next time" and would then go home.

Upon the night of the kage bunshin hide and seek game, Sasuke would tell his parents of how much fun they had had playing the game, and how he had lost when Itachi used the doppelganger. Sasuke had hoped to hear some form of positive reply from his parents, who consistently made him feel like he didn't matter, but all they did when they heard about the game was compliment Itachi on learning the kage bunshin technique already, yet again ignoring him and complimenting Itachi for what he could do. Itachi never showed any emotion towards the subject, and never told his parents how he felt about the way they treated his younger brother. The very next day he would be asked by his younger brother to play with him, and he would just poke him in the forehead again saying that next time he would do it. This would happen for several days, until eventually Sasuke requested that he show him how to do a certain shuriken technique. He would finally train Sasuke, and on the way home, after an exhausting afternoon, Itachi would carry him on his back home, and told him some very important things about their relationship. Most importantly, that they were brothers, and as such, that he would always be there for him, whether he loved him or wanted him or not, but that he would always be there for him no matter what happened between them, and as brothers, this was how it would be.

The Clan Slaying
Every one in the clan could sense that their was something extremely wrong, and they did not need Sasuke to be exposed to it. Itachi was becoming more and more like Mudara Uchiha every day.
Later that week, Sasuke returned to the outskirts of Konohagakure after a long bout of training with his precision in kunai, as Itachi had shown him earlier that day. He wanted to become one of Konohagakure's best with Itachi, and he couldn't wait to tell his father where he'd been.
Little did Sasuke know, he would never speak to his father again. Itachi looked down at him under the full moon atop a street lamp.

Staring into Konoha's moonlit streets on the night of the massacre 

This was to be the one survivor for the clan.Sasuke continued on his way down the streets, yelling "Hello?" every few steps.Konohagakure seemed lonely that night. Nobody was out and about, none at all. Suddenly the horrible images popped into his head. His entire family was dead, and he was the last one left. Itachi sent these thoughts into
Sasuke's brain so that he would have more fear and adrenaline. To this day Itachi never revealed why he killed his clan, and has only responded with "To test my limits" when asked by Sasuke and many others. He then toldSasuke how he obtained the Mangyeko Sharingan, by killing your best friend.

This drove Sasuke insane for years, and he still wonders why on earth Itachi would tell him such maddening things.

                                                                   So it would seem Itachi had assistance...
It also appears that Itachi had some help on the night of the murders from Madara Uchiha, as he revealed himself in a recent manga chapter
to Sasuke, Itachi's younger brother, who was extremely doubtful of him, but eventually came to his senses. It is also speculated that in Sasuke's original flashback in the forest of death he remembers the partially covered face of Madara Uchiha in the streets looking at him, and not Itachi, as that face did not bear much resemblance to Itachi at the time. When in fact, it was Itachi's face looking at him, and he knew it, he just refused to reveal this flash back mainly due to plot, but also because it made no sense to him that Itachi, his cold hearted old brother, a parricide committing man, would cry when his younger brother attacked him in the dead of night as he ran away. In recent chapters this was brought to light by Tobi and Sasuke and he finally understood why he would do such things and what his brother's true motivations and motives were.

Itachi, at some point, joined Akatsuki , and when Orochimaru attempted to defect and steal Itachi's body, Itachi disabled him and severed his left hand and forced Orochimaru to flee. This caused Orochimaru to lose hisAkatsuki ring, thus banning him as a member. Orochimaru, however, kept his lost hand as a reminder, and did not get affiliated with the Akatsuki afterwords, until much later when he was within Sasuke's body to fight Itachi.

The return to Konoha
Itachi's first appearance in the series was placed right after the Chuunin Exams and Sandaime's death arc, in Konoha. Itachi and his partner, Kisame, who first appeared cloaked and with giant brimmed hats, were unnoticeable by the normal public masses as they went along through the village, their goal to capture Naruto. Asuma and Kurenai first sensed the two at the tea shop in Konoha, and then they quickly dragged them off to an area far away from public view, to face their opponents. They commented on how Itachi and his partner were both S-Ranked bingo book criminals, and extremely dangerous, more so than that, had been exiled from Konoha for his crimes. Itachi unmasked himself, and his partner did also, and told them to step aside, as he did not want to kill them. Asuma a comment on how that was a strange thing for someone who'd committed parricie to say, and Itachi was taken on by Kurenai. Asuma and Kisame began battle also, neither a clear victor, with Asuma using his wind chakra to slice across Kisame's face without it being a visible blade. As he did this, Kurenai disappeared, and Itachi quickly discerned that this technique was genjutsu. Tree roots began to wrap around him, and he looked up as the upper half of Kurenai's body formed above him, and sliced down. Itachi looked up and with a sly smile, reversed it with ease. Suddenly, Kurenai was trapped in her own tree roots, and he was holding the kunai intended to slice into Itachi's body, he thrusted forward, and blood trickled down her lip.

Suddenly snapping back into reality, she saw Itachi running forward swinging a kunai horizontally level with her face, she ducked down, and then criss crossed her arms as she saw his foot raise up in front of her. It shot out, and the resulting kick knocked her so far back that she was no longer on the bridge, but rather regaining her composure on the water beside them, As soon as she stood up, Itachi was already behind her, and in front of her also. Kisame almost unleashed a water type move of lethal proportions, until Kakashi in the nick of time came, mimicked the move and matched it, and then grabbed Kurenai away from the Itachi behind her, which was actually an explosive shadow clone.

Later, in part two, Itachi fought the team 7 when they attempted to retrieve a captured Gaara.  The fight started once Kakashi and Naruto, along with Chiyo and Sakura, came upon Itachi in a forest somewhere along the way to what they find as an Akatsuki lair, where they sense Gaara's slowly diminishing chakra. As he interrupts them, Sakura stays back with Chiyo as Kakashi and Naruto go at him, Kakashi attacking him head on with Tai jutsu as Naruto stood in the back trying to avoid Itachi's illusions. He was caught by one within seconds and was not able to recuperate until Sakura and Chiyo interrupted his chakra flow through physical contact, one of the few ways to break a gen jutsu as Jiraiya had taught him in the course of their training.

Kakashi was seemingly able to go toe to toe with Itachi, until being caught in a genjutsu, thought this was a shadow clone, and Itachi was stopped for a few seconds as Naruto was given enough time to blow him away with a Rasengan. After seemingly killing him, they saw that this in fact was just a clone, being taken over from a far away position by Itachi himself, with much less chakra and power.

                                                                                     Torturing Kakashi in Tsukuyomi, the Dreamscape 

After they realized that the enemy they had fought and defeated wasn't Itachi, but rather a traitor from the sand village known as Yura, Chiyo pointed out. Itachi from far away pointed out to Kisame that his clone was out, and then teleported back to the Akatsuki lair to continue sending in his chakra.
Itachi appeared on their path when the team ofChiyo, Kakashi , Sakura, and Naruto . Kakashiand Itachi began to battle, when Kakashirevealed that he wouldn't be able to takeSasuke's older brother down without Naruto's help. he also told him that he was extremely dangerous. This made Naruto feel likeKakashi finally trusted him to have his back as an equal, not a Genin student. Kakashi fought Itachi, only to be fooled with his masterful and strategically placed doppelganger Jutsu , forcing Kakashi to fight them two on one. After Kakashi had finally gotten Itachi still by being ht by the skillful ninja's blows with his shadow doppelganger Jutsu , or so he thought, for a few seconds at least, he let Naruto do the rest by attacking him with an enormous shuriken. Naruto had gotten much faster and stronger over the few years past. But, even with all of the training the two fighters had been through, all that this resulted in was a disheartened Naruto, as Itachi simply used a strange Jutsu that enabled him to change his body into ravens, and begin flight. 
Naruto realized what had happened too late though, as he was already caught in Itachi's Gen Jutsu. Before the fight, Kakashi had warned Naruto that Itachi was a serious gen Jutsu user, and that brought back memories ofJiraiya over the two years past, teaching him how to stop offensive gen Jutsu, but then realizing how foolish he was for not listening.
Presently, Itachi is being targeted by Naruto, Kiba, Shino, Sakura, Sai, Yamato, Kakashi, Hinata, Sasuke,Juugo, Suigetsu, and Karin.
After Sasuke's supposed death at the hands of Deidara, Itachi appeared to be crying in the rain, but whenKisame commented on this, and the fact that Sasuke's death would make him the last member of the Uchiha Clan, Itachi stated that Sasuke was not dead, and that the storm had passed.
Naruto, following a bird covered in Sasuke's scent, Hid in a tree as he saw Sharingan, believing them to belong to Sasuke, but they were revealed to be Itachi's, and he ordered Naruto to come down from the tree he was hiding in. Naruto tries to attack Itachi, but he informs Naruto that he only wishes to speak with him on an unknown subject.

Sasuke vs. Itachi
Itachi goes to meet Sasuke in a location unrevealed. Sasuke attempts to kill Itachi but it turns out to be a Shadow Clone. Itachi tells Sasuke to meet him at the Secret Uchiha Hideout where they can finish their fight there. Upon Sasuke's arrival, he immediately attacks Itachi.
Then Sasuke faces off with Itachi who's sitting in a stone chair, with Zetsu secretly watching. They start off with taijutsu where they seem pretty even, Sasuke uses Chidori Current to electrify the floor, forcing Itachi into the air where Sasuke stabs him... but it's not the real Itachi, the real Itachi is still sitting in the chair... then the real Itachi gets stabbed from behind. It turns out that wasn't the real Sasuke either.
Sasuke then starts asking Itachi questions about who the other Mangekyou Sharingan user is that Itachi mentioned all those years ago, and who helped him wipe out the clan... saying he's powerful, but not that powerful. Itachi said it was Madara Uchiha and Sasuke thought he was lying because Madara's supposed to be dead, then Itachi starts explaining the difference between seeing reality and knowing reality. Sasuke then quickly turns behind himself and uses his Chidori Sword, almost striking Itachi in the face... no, Itachi didn't move, the Itachi in the chair that Sasuke stabbed wasn't the real Itachi either, the real Itachi is sitting in a chair BEHIND the one Sasuke stabbed. Zetsu then comments how neither of them have moved an inch sinceSasuke walked in, and assumed that they must be having a battle of genjutsu.
Itachi then starts explained through genjutsu about the Mangekyou Sharingan and revealed some of Madara's past, such as creating Akatsuki and hiding in it's shadow and becoming Itachi's teacher. He says that Madara was the first to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan while competing with his younger brother, then Madara's younger brother did. He then said that Madara was also the first to discover the downside of the Mangekyou Sharingan and went blind. He was then "possessed" by the Mangekyou Sharingan which sought new light and stole his younger brother's eyes and gained a new more powerful Mangekyou Sharingan that would never lose it's "light" and gained a new technique. After this the Uchihas started killing each other trying to also gain the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Madara then took control of many ninja clans and allied with the leader of the Senju clan and they created Konoha.

Sasuke's Sharingan, taken right from his very eye 

But years later they had a dispute about leadership and fought, and the leader of the Senju clan became the 1st Hokage.
Itachi then breaks it all down... Sasuke is Itachi's "spare" pair of Sharingan eyes. Itachi had been planning on taking Sasuke's eyes all along. Sasuke then removes the wrapping from his forearms revealing seals, he pulls shurikens out of these seals and throws them at Itachi whom deflects them with his own shurikens. They then grapple each other and Itachi creates a Shadow Clone which throws kunai at Sasuke, a snake however comes out of Sasuke's body and wraps around him, protecting him from the kunais. The two Itachi's regroup and Sasuke unseals a giant shuriken that he throws and the Shadow Clone is destroyed trying to block it, but turns into a flock of crows that distract Sasuke while Itachi kicks him against the wall and holds him there and pulls out Sasuke's left eye and places it in a jar. Itachi then reaches for the right eye but Sasuke uses Curse Seal level 2 and breaks free... literally, it was Tsukiyomi and Sasukemanaged to break out of it. Itachi's left eye was then put through a lot of pain from Sasukebreaking free.
One half of Zetsu is in disbelief that Sasuke could break free without having a Mangekyou Sharingan himself, but the other half of Zetsu responded that Sasuke must have mastered the normal Sharingan to a point that Itachi hasn't and that an expert with a stone can beat a novice with a shuriken. Itachi then readies to use Amaterasu but Sasuke unseals a giant shuriken from the seal on his arm and throws it, Itachi ducks under it but realizes that there's another hidden in the top one's shadow and leaps between the two. They're rigged however and Sasuke, by pulling on a string attached to them, makes the blades shoot in all different directions, one of which hits Itachi in the leg. Sasuke uses the Grand Fireball and Itachi leaps out of the way, Sasuke follows and Itachi then counters with his own Grand Fireball, but Sasuke partially transforms into his level 2 form and blocks with his wing. They then square off and both use Grand Fireball. Itachi's losing the struggle and finally uses Amaterasu which starts engulfing Sasuke's fireball.

                                                                                The power of Amaterasu

Amaterasu stops after devouring Sasuke's technique, Sasuke then runs to avoid Itachi's next attempt. However, Itachi makes Amaterasu chase Sasuke until it finally touches his wing, Sasuke collapses on the ground where his body is burning. Now blind in his right eye, Itachi goes to retrieve his "prize," but Sasuke's body shrivels up; it's revealed that Sasuke used his Chidori to break a whole on the roof and used Orochimaru's skin shedding technique and slide down to the surface below. That technique gave Sasuke a completely new body unharmed by Amaterasu, however it depleted a great deal of chakra.
Having walked into Sasuke's trap, he unleashes three Great Dragon Fireballs from beneath Itachi. Itachi avoids the first two but the third one burns his arm and they ascend into the clouds which begin to churn and turn dark. Though Sasuke is nearly out of chakra, he tried to miss on purpose, using Itachi's Amaterasu combined with his own technique to create a hot updraft to form storm clouds. Then by using his chakra, Sasuke guides a naturally occurring lightning bolt towards Itachi which strikes him.

Kirin, Sasuke's final attack

Sasuke believes that he has won, however an almost completely blind Itachi stands up and is shown standing in the center of a giant spectral skeleton's ribcage. He says that he would had died, but now it's time to use his final technique, "Susanoo." Itachi explains that Susanoo can be released after using both Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu and the skeleton surrounding Itachi starts to take a humanoid appearance. Orochimaru starts to whisper inSasuke's head, telling him that he can helpSasuke exact his revenge. A white snake appears from Sasuke's shoulder and he transforms into a giant eight-headed snake. He attacks Itachi, but Susanoo forms a sword from a gourd that he's holding and chops off each of the snake's heads in the struggle.
Orochimaru emerges from the snake's last head, declaring that he's going to takeSasuke's body and kill Itachi, but he is struck through the chest by Susanoo's sword.Orochimaru laughed saying that such an attack couldn't kill him... but then he recognized the sword; it was a sword he had been searching for called Totsuka no Tsurugi, a sword that has sealing properties which traps the victim. The blade stabbing Orochimaru envelopes him and pulls both him and his snakes into the gourd. Zetsu mentioned that it was no wonder Orochimaru couldn't find the Totsuka. Itachi then makes his way to Sasuke who's on the ground. As Susanoo finishes absorbing Orochimaru, some of the white snakes escaped and slithered away.
Itachi then begins to walk over to Sasuke, but coughs blood and grabs his chest in pain while Susanoo starts to fade; Zetsu comments that Susanoo is not without it's drawbacks.  

                                                                                     Itachi's final tecnique Susano'o

Seeing this as an opening, Sasuke attacks with multiple explosive kunai's, but Susanoo blocks them with his shield. Sasuke unseals several explosive kunais from a scroll and throws them at Itachi, but Susanoo once again blocks them with his shield. Zetsu comments that he recognizes Susanoo's shield as the Yata mirror, one of the three sacred treasures which deflects whatever hits it. Sasukecharges at Itachi with his sword, but to no avail.
Itachi slowly crept up to Sasuke, looking like he was in a zombie state, craving Sasuke's eyes. He looked at him, tired and worn from using every powerful Kekkai Genkai he had. Itachi slowly reached forward with his blood covered right hand towards Sasuke's face... Itachi tapped his forehead, the blood covered finger slowly dragged itself down Sasuke's face as he collapsed. Sasuke looked into the sky, sweating and heaving, as the pride of the Uchiha clan lay dead next to him.

The Truth
To Sasuke's disbelief, it would later be revealed by Tobi, aka Madara Uchiha, that Itachi, in all of his dark deeds and ways, had actually done all of these seeming crimes to keep Sasuke safe. As it would turn out, when Itachi poked Sasuke in his forehead, seconds before his death, he had transferred the techniques of hisMangyekou eyes. Sasuke, of course, did not believe him at all, and went into a state of rage and confusion, saying that there was no earthly way that he would have done that.
The proof of it all was that when Sasuke saw Tobi's Sharingan that Itachi's Amaterasu would activate, engulfing Madara in its black flame.
Madara would then reveal that Itachi was actually a man who had risked it all into saving the Leaf Village. Sasuke continued to listen to Tobi's story, and eventually came to his senses that the man was telling the truth, despite how insane he came off as being. Madara continued to explain that yes, while the prodigal son of the Uchiha Clan had indeed killed his entire clan in that one night, he had done due to orders of Konoha. Sasuke found that this was a highly unlikely aspect of Itachi, and, as he remembered Itachi all of those years, he questioned how this could have been the brother he'd known. 

The good old days for Sasuke
Tobi told him to think of all of the times he'd had with his kind, big brother, and he could remember them being children and the smiles he'd had. He thought of how he'd tried to take his eyes, and then saw black. Madara explained that he believed that Itachi had implanted hisAmaterasu into sasuke so that the two would never meet, and told him that while he had no proof, he should still listen to his story, as only three people knew about Itachi's truth, and they'd never spill it out of them. He told him that he'd have to start from the beginning for Sasuke to understand, and then proceeded to tell him of the long history of the Uchiha Clan and their rivals, the Senju clan of the forest. Madara went on to explain how eventually, the Uchiha lost to the many people of the Senju clan, and how he had taken his brothers eyes to save the Uchiha Clan, as there were no great warriors anymore to fight back, and his brother even agreed to give up his eyes. But the Senju clan would offer and alliance with the Uchiha, which Madara uneasily accepted at the request of his clan. Together they formed konohagakure, but the leader of the Senju was appointed Hokage and Madara was worried about their once greatest enemies being in power and apposed him or leadership, though he was betrayed, the Uchihas saying that he had taken his little brother's eyes for his own sake, not the sake of the clans itself. He sought revenge and attacked the village, but was defeated. The Senju however didn't trust the Uchiha and this lead to problems, then the Uchihas were blamed for the Kyuubi attack 16 years ago which lead to Sasuke's and Itachi's father planning to take over the village. Itachi was supposed to be his father's spy in the Anbu, but secretly gave away the Uchiha's secrets. He was against the coup and was ordered by the village elders to eliminate the Uchiha before their actions bring about a 4th ninja war and destroy Konoha. Itachi sought out Madara for help in the massacre and made him promise not to harm the rest of the village in return for his chance at revenge against the Uchiha. Afterwards, Itachi begged the 3rd Hokage to protect Sasuke and then left the village and joined Akatsuki to keep an eye on them.

Madara then revealed that the entire reason for Itachi's return after the Third Hokage's death was to prove that he was still alive so Sasuke wouldn't be harmed, and that he was slowly dying of a disease. His love for Sasuke had been incomparable as he had died smiling, even after he was repaid for his love with hatred, and his honor for dishonor and more hatred, believing Sasuke to be worth more than Konoha.  

                                                                                     Sasuke's realization

When Sasuke accused Madara of lying to him, and trying to cloud his mind, he told him that he was still alive. An interesting and true fact was that he was still alive, and also that Itachi had planned the entire fight out before it even happened. Forcing Sasuke to purge Orochimaru and trying to make Sasuke open his mangekyou sharingan eyes on that day, and him killing Itachi made him the avenger of his clan so he'd return to Konoha as a hero. All in all, Itachi had simply been alive for Sasuke's benefit, causing him to go into an emotional rage and putting him into a state of confusion. He would then after decide that now, rather than avenge his clan with Itachi's method, he would regroup team Hebi, changing the name to team Taka, and ally with Akatsuki. Then after finally attaining a Mangekyou Sharingan of his own, vowed to crush Konohagakure.

Releasing ravens from his coat when charged by Naruto.
In Naruto Chapter 403: Tears, Naruto is shown to have a flash back of what Itachi had said to him when they met the one time they did in a forest, when he was alone.  Itachi had asked him why he didn't run, and Naruto said that running from him would mean that he couldn't capture him, and that this would mean that he wouldn't be able to find Sasuke. When Itachi asked him why he was so concerned with his brother, a missing ninja, Naruto told him that he considered Sasuke more of a brother than Itachi ever had. Hearing the statement, he grinned and as the young blonde boy charged him he raised his arm, opening his cloak and multiple ravens flew from out of it.

Naruto was stopped by the oncoming attack, and Itachi told him once more that all he wanted to do was talk to him. He told Naruto that he knew that he wanted him to bring Sasuke home, but wondered what he would do if he didn't want to go. His reply to that question was "I'll do whatever it takes to bring Sasuke home".  After hearing that, he then asked him what he would do if he heard that Sasuke was attacking Konohagakure. Naruto said that he knew Sasuke, and that he would never do something like that at all, and then questioned what Itachi meant, Itachi said that Sasuke was still "pure" and could be affected and taught anything.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In Naruto's flashback, Itachi smiling once he told him how firm he was on his word as a ninja.
After he asked him if he could weigh Sasuke's life against the village, Naruto became angery, talking about how he would find some way to save the village without hurting Sasuke. When he said this, Itachi responded that he was still far too childish, and that he spoke of nothing but "pipe dreams" while others still had to make painful choices, referring to himself, though Naruto didn't know it. In truth, the entire conversation had been revolving around whether or not Naruto could succeed where he failed, and save Konoha from imminent destruction by killing him. Then Naruto told him that someone else had said the exact same thing before, but that there was no choice, and that he wouldn't bend his words, because that was what being a ninja meant to him. After hearing that, Itachi couldn't help but smile, and then, to Naruto's surprise, a raven flew straight into his mouth and Itachi told him that he had just given him some of his power, and that he hoped he had never had to use it.
Powers and Techniques
Itachi's natural element is Fire, and his secondary element is Water.
Itachi possesses the Sharingan, an Uchiha bloodline limit in his eyes.

Itachi's Sharingan  
The Sharingan allows him to see the slightest movement and copy techniques, it also allows him to see through genjutsus, and use genjutsus by making eye contact. But Itachi can also use an evolved version of the Sharingan, called the Mangekyou Sharingan. The Mangekyou Sharingan allows Itachi to use "Tsukuyomi," this allows Itachi to invade one's mind by making eye contact and trap him/her in a world of his design that seems to last 72 hours, but in reality only last 3 seconds.
He can also use "Amaterasu," whatever he looks at will be engulfed in a black flame which burns anything, even fire. And finally he can use "Susanoo" which takes the form of a giant humanoid that wields the Totsuka sword and Yata mirror. The sword seals whomever it strikes in a dream-like world, and the shield can deflect anything that hits it.
The downside to the Mangekyou Sharingan is that it's techniques require a great deal of chakra, and over-use will cause the user to go blind. This is why Itachi wants to use Sasuke's eyes after he's depleted his own.

Itachi has used techniques including: "Grand Fireball" where he exhales a gigantic ball of fire.

Susano, partially formed"
Shadow Clone" where he creates a copy of himself that is capable of fighting and using techniques, but can't take very much damage without dispersing. "Exploding Clone," where he creates a copy of himself that will explode. "Water Fang" where a drill of water will appear and strike the opponent. "Ephemeral," an illusion technique that will cause his opponent to see and hear their friends and loved ones insult and humiliate them. He used this technique on Naruto when his illusion met him and Kakashi, Sakura, and Chiyo when on their way to save Gaara.Another gen Jutsu, "Earth and Heaven Change" allows Itachi to reverse gen Jutsu back on the opponent whom used it.

List of Itachi's known jutsu:
  • Amaterasu
  • Clone Great Explosion
  • Crow Clone Technique
  • Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change
  • Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes
  • Ephemeral
  • Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
  • Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
  • Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique
  • Mangekyo Sharingan
  • Scattering One Thousand Crows Technique
  • Shadow Clone Technique
  • Susanoo
  • Transcription Seal: Amaterasu
  • Tsukuyomi
  • Water Clone Technique
  • Water Release: Water Fang Bullet

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