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Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Konan is one of three war orphans that Jiraiya took under his wing around 30 years ago.

Konan (Former Member - Deceased)
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 363
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Rain
Ring: Byaku/Haku (White)
Finger Position: Right MiddleInfo: Konan is the lone female member of the group. She works alongside Pain. Konan possesses the ability to disperse her body into paper, which can then fold itself into butterfies for tracking purposes. When she was younger, she, Nagato and another orphan named Yahiko were trained by Jiraiya for a short period. He helped them become stronger and able to fend for themselves in the war torn Rain Country. She followed her friends in battle and saw her friend Yahiko die and Nagato become Pain. After Nagato entrusted his will to Naruto, she did as well. She returned to Rain with the bodies of her fallen friends and left the group. When Madara sought Nagato's Rinnegan, he fought Konan in battle. He eventually delivered a critical blow and found the information he needed

One of the three orphans, Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato all helped each other, both working and stealing to survive. They came to witness the battle between Hanzo and the Sannin, where a stray paper bomb killed their dog. Yahiko decided that if he was going to make the world better, he had to get stronger, and the orphans sought out someone powerful to train them... they sought out Jiraiya. Yahiko, went up to the traveling Sannin and asked for food, which Jiraiya gave him. Yahiko then told Konan and Nagato that they're friendly and the three started following the Sannin, wanting to be taught ninjutsu. Konan used the food wrapper to make Jiraiya a paper flower with origami. Tsunadegot annoyed with them and wanted them to go away, Orochimaru on the other hand thought the most merciful thing they could do was to kill them since their lives are going to be so hard, being helpless orphans during a war. Jiraiya became angered and told Tsunade and Orochimaru to go on ahead with out him and decided to stay and train the three orphans. When Nagato and Yahiko were attacked by a Rock ninja, Konan brought Jiraiya to help. After three years of training under Jiraiya, Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato were able to defeat one of Jiraiya's Shadow Clones, at which point Jiraiya felt that they were ready to protect themselves... and asked Konan to come see him when she's older.


Together they formed an organization, Akatsuki, with Yahiko as the leader and they fought against all sides of the war that was going on in the Rain village. Yahiko was a radical thinker and he quickly gained many followers, wanting peace. Hanzo eventually came to Yahiko, saying that he can use them to form treaties with the warring villages. When Yahiko and Nagato showed up to the assigned meeting place, they found Hanzo along with Danzo of the Leaf village's Root and that they came to an arrangement; Hanzo would help Danzo become Hokage, and Danzo would help solidify Hanzo's leadership of the Rain village, but in order to do this they had to get rid of Yahiko's influence. Yahiko and Nagato found that Hanzo had their companion, Konan, hostage and threatened her life if Nagato didn't kill Yahiko. In order to save his friends, Yahiko committed suicide. At which point, Hanzo ordered his soldiers to kill Nagato aswell. Nagato was able to save Konan and make their enemies leave, but at the cost of his health.

Wings of an Angel
In the present, her and Pein met with the Akatsuki's mysterious leader, Madara, and Konan was quick to defend Pein when Madara doubted Pein's abilities. Afterwords when Pein detected an intruder, someone dangerous, Konan went to scout. When they found out the intruder was Jiraiya, Pein told her that he didn't love Jiraiya anymore and that they'll kill him. Konan went ahead of Pein and attacked Jiraiya who retaliated with a Fireball. Much of her paper was burned, but she was able to avoid it. Jiraiya started questioning her, but she just kept attacking. Jiraiya spewed Toad Oil all over her, causing her paper to stick together, then trapped her with his hair. Jiraiya tried to question her again but she was angry at him for leaving them. Jiraiya told her that he heard rumors about them after he left and later hearing that they were killed, Konan told him that he has no idea what happened to them after he left. Pein then showed up and freed Konan and told her to leave while he fought Jiraiya.

Offering of Peace

During a meeting with Madara, she once again defended Pein when Madara criticized him. She then accompanied Pein to Konoha to capture Naruto, and once there she started attacking Konoha's ninjas and interrogating them for Naruto's location. Pein eventually got angry while arguing with Tsunade and, despite Konan's protests, risked his life to do a great deal of damage to Konoha. Worried, she left to make sure Pein's real body, Nagato, is ok. She stayed by Nagato's side while he used Pein to battle Naruto, but Naruto found their hiding place after he defeated Pein and she moved in to protect Nagato. However, the three got into an argument, and after a while, Naruto was able to snap Nagato to his senses whom then used his power to revive everyone in Konoha that died because of him, dying in the process. Naruto then helped Konan collect Nagato's and Yahiko's corpses, Yahiko's corpse being one of the Pein bodies, to Naruto's surprise. She assured Naruto that she was leaving Akatsuki and since Naruto was entrusted with Nagato's and Jiraiya's dreams, that she and the Rain village would help him.

Konan's Stand
When Madara came to the Rain village to retrieve the Rinnegan from Nagato's corpse, Konan was there to stop him. Madara asked why they betrayed him, and if Naruto was really worth it and Konan replied that Naruto is light incarnate ans brings the flower of hope. Madara noticed that she was still wearing the Akatsuki cloak and wondered if she missed the group, she replied that the cloaks are a symbol of the blood of war that rained down across their village and that they were made by Yahiko and belong to them, and that the Rinnegan also belongs to the Rain village and not to him.

 Parting the Sea

Madara corrects her, saying that he was the one that made Yahiko create Akatsuki... and he was the one that gave Nagato the Rinnegan, and that both belong to him. Konan attacks with Paper Shurikens, but Madara phases through them. Konan flew at Madara, but Madara grabbed her to suck her up; but she placed explosive seals on some of her paper and tried to kill Madara while he was solid. It didn't work however, Madara sucked up most of the explosion, leaving both of them injured but alive. Konan then said that Madara is darkness and that without light flowers wither and die; she then reveals her trap and the water beneath them turns into paper and splits apart.
Chain Destruction
Madara falls into her abyss of paper bombs and he tries to teleport away, but his teleporting isn't instant and Konan attempts to attack with her paper before he can get away and is forced to phase. Konan says that she knew that he wouldn't be fast enough to get away and that her trap will continue for 10 minutes, while Madara's only capable of staying intangible for 5 minutes. She says that Yahiko and Nagato were never Madara's pawns and runs out of chakra, with her paper body becoming flesh and blood again. She has a sigh of relief, but then Madara appears behind her and stabs her with a pipe. 

 Sun in the Rain

She wonders how he survived, saying that she calculated many scenarios and that one should had killed him. Madara reveals as his left eye closes that he used Izanagi, a jutsu that bends illusions into reality, and that only someone with both the powers of the Uchiha and Senju can use it. She is baffled and Madara reveals that Izanagi was a technique used by Rikudou, dreaming up something and then giving it form and that's how he created the 9 Bijuus from the Juubi's chakra. Madara then goes on to tell Konan that she shouldn't had put her trust in Naruto and insulted Nagato, Konan's resolve didn't break though and she tried to attack Madara, but Madara grabbed her by the throat and said that he will be like the darkness and make her wilt and die, but first he'll find out where Nagato is using a genjutsu on her. 
Moving On
Afterwards, Madara left her to die. She laid afloat in the water remembering her times with Jiraiya, Nagato, and Yahiko. She remembered when Jiraiya set up the tiles, one for each of them, and said that they are supposed to flip their tiles to indicate if they are away or not and that it's to help protect them from enemies; red side when they're there and white when they're away. Konan was the first to deduced it's importance. Many years later they left their hideout for something bigger, and said that they'd return to celebrate when they succeed. While she remembered this, one of her blood-soaked papers blew in the wind and found it's way to their old hideout, covering her tile, making all of the tiles red.

Her Jutsus are based off of origami, even turning her entire body into sheets of paper. Thus far she has used paper folded as shurikens and spears, thrown sheets of paper like blades, and given herself angelic wings composed of paper.

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